毛髪科学研究会 The Society for Hair Science Research Japanase

1.General Provisions

(1) This society shall be known officially as “The Society for Hair Science Research.”
(2) This society (henceforth, ‘the Society’) shall be organized to serve the interests of individuals who are engaged in research on hair or hair-related medical conditions.
(3) The aim of the Society is to further the aims of scientific research on hair and hair-related medical conditions.
(4) The Society will conduct the following activities for the furtherance of the above-stated aims:
(i) Hold general assemblies and academic conferences
(ii)Establish and maintain contact and cooperation with both domestic and international organizations having related aims


(5) Individuals who agree with the general aims of the Society and have paid the stipulated membership dues will be designated as Members.
(6) Those wishing to become members of the Society are required to submit the information requested in the membership application form along with the stipulated membership dues.
(7) Members will receive notifications of academic conferences in newsletters.
(8) Groups and/or individuals who agree with the general aims of the Society and who assist the operation of the Society by means of an annual donation of a fixed sum will be designated as Associate Members.


(9) The Society shall comprised the following offices: General Manager, Chief Administrator, Coordinator, Chairman of Academic Conventions, Manager, Supervisor, Honorary Advisor
(10) The General Manager, Chief Administrator, Coordinator, Chairman of Academic Conventions, Manager, Supervisor, and the Honorary Advisor shall be the designated Board Members of the Society. The Honorary Advisor shall take part in proceedings of the Society as an observer.
(11) The Board will deliberate on all weighty matters pertaining to the Society.
(12) The General Manager will represent the Society and will preside over its proceedings.
(13) The General Manager will be co-opted by other designated managers of the Society.
(14) The General Manager’s term of office will be three years with the possibility of re-appointment.
(15) The Chief Administrator will be chosen by the Board at a Board meeting convened for this purpose.
(16) The Chief Administrator will be responsible for overseeing the following matters: requests for membership, resignations, collection of dues, providing support for organization of academic conventions, managing the Society website, etc.
(17) The Chief Administrator’s term of office will be three years with the possibility of re-appointment.
(18) The Coordinator will assist the Chief Administrator in the performance of the latter’s duties and will hold office for a term equivalent to that of the Chief Administrator.
(19) The Chairman of Academic Conventions will be chosen by the Board at a Board meeting convened specially for this purpose.
(20) The Chairman of Academic Conventions will organize annual academic conventions as part of his duties.
(21) The term of office of the Chairman of Academic Conventions shall begin with the adjournment of the annual convention organized by the previous Chairman of Academic Conventions, and will conclude with the adjournment of the annual convention organized by himself or herself.
(22) The Manager’s term of office will be three years, with the possibility of reappointment.
(23) First-time Managers will be chosen from the general membership at a Board meeting convened for the purpose. Nominations from other designated managers of the Society are requisite for the election of a first-time Manager.
(24) There will be no limit to the Manager’s term of office; however, if the incumbent Manager wishes to resign the post, he or she may do so. Also, if the incumbent Manager is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Board, he or she will be removed from the post.
(25) The Manager will be deemed to have officially resigned his post as Manager upon retirement from his or her place of employment.
(26) The Supervisor will be responsible for the administration of accounts.
(27) The Supervisor will be chosen by the Board at a meeting convened for this purpose.
(28) The Supervisor’s term of office will be three years without the possibility of a second term.
(29) The Honorary Advisor will be chosen by the Board from members of the Society who previously served as a Manager.


(30) Meetings of the Society will be comprised by General Assemblies and Academic Conventions.
(31) The purpose of the General Assembly is allow the communication of important matters pertaining to the Society and to gather approval of the members, when necessary.
(32) Regular General Assemblies will be held during the period in which the annual academic convention is to be held. The Chairman of Academic Conventions will serve as the Chairman of the General Assembly.
(33) The proceedings of the General Assembly will be decided by the majority vote of the members present at the meeting, or in cases of a hung vote, the Chairman will cast the deciding vote.
(34) Academic conventions will include annual conventions; academic conventions may also be held jointly with events sponsored by other academic societies. Abstracts of presentations will be published for each given convention.
(35) At any given academic convention organized by the Society, at least one of the authors of a given presentation to be delivered at the event must be a member of the Society.

5.Fiscal Matters

(36) The operating costs of the Society will be paid for using membership dues, donations, other forms of revenue and the interest accruing thereto.
(37) The membership dues are 5,000 yen per year.
(38) The Society reserves the right to collect attendance/admission fees from members and non-members alike for any given academic conference organized by the Society. The amount of the attendance/admission fee will be decided by the Chairman of Academic Conventions each year.


(39) The fiscal year of the Society shall begin on October 1 and end on September 30 of the following year.
(40) The Rules and By-laws of the Society shall come into effect on December 1, 2009.
(41) The Rules and By-laws of the Society shall be ratified following due consideration by the Board of Managers, at a general conference convened for this purpose.